Water bottles aren't outreach

September 1, 2009

Is your church doing things that are worthy of a press release? Shouldn't the church being doing amazing things in the community all the time, that the news would be begging to know what's coming next so they have that heart warming cover story? I'm not saying the church should be doing things for the sake of press coverage. I'm saying the church should be upholding its mission, and really impacting its immediate community in such a way that people are talking about it. Think about how the word spread when Jesus performed miracles. People were so excited just to see these things that they traveled for days for a chance to catch a glimpse of Jesus. Word of mouth is a a powerful and sought after medium for spreading the word about a product, service or even person. Since our goal is showing love to people, helping the sick and needy, uplifting the widowed and broken, what are we doing to reach out to this community of people? Handing out water bottles with our church website on it at a community event? That's great and all but what lasting impact are we leaving on people's lives in our community. You want press coverage? You want people talking about how great your church is? You want to shed the negative feeling people have about Christians? You want people to learn about Christ's love? Then do it.